Axis--Bosht--Imaginary line that goes through the middle of the earth.
Tilt--Anim--When earth moves into a sloping position in 23.5 degrees.
Polaris--Ylli Polar--North star where earth's axis is always pointed to.
Equator--Ekuator--An horizontal line that divides Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
Hemisphere--Hemisfer--The half of the earth.

Revolution--Revolucion--The movement of the earth around the sun. This takes 365 days or 1 year.
Summer Solstice--Solstik Veror-- The longest day of the year. (June 21/22).
Autumnal Equinox--Ekuinoksi Vjeshtor--Season when days and nights are equal. (September 22/23).
Winter Solstice--Solstik Dimror--The shortest day of the year. (December 21/22).
Spring Equinox--Ekuinoksi Pranveror-- Season when days and nights are equal. (March 21/22).
Direct Sunlight--Rreze Diellore Direkte--Sun hits the earth in an straight line.
Indirect Sunlight--Rreze Diellore Indirekte--Sun hits the earth in an angle.
Solstice--Solstik--When Sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky.
Equinox--Ekuinoks--Equal days and equal nights. (12h Days/12h Nights).
Axis is and imaginary line that goes through the middle of the earth. Earth's axis is tilted in 23.5 degrees pointing to the north star called Polaris.
Earth is divided into two Hemispheres by an horizontal line known as Equator. Hemisphere is the half of the earth. One half is called Northern Hemisphere and the other half is called Southern Hemisphere.
Solstice is when sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky. This usually happens two times in a year. One in December 21/22, the first day of Winter, and another one in June 21/22, the first day of Summer. These days are known as Solstices.
During Summer Solstice, the sun hits the earth in a straight line. This is Direct Sunlight. But, during Winter Solstice, the sun hits the earth in an angle. This is Indirect Sunlight.
Equinox means equal days and equal nights. Equinox occurs twice a year. Once in March 21/22, Spring or Vernal Equinox, and another one in September 22/23, Fall or Autumnal Equinox.
These Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter) are cause by the earth's Revolution.
Revolution is the time it takes Earth to go around the Sun. This takes 365 days or 1 year. So, during these time, earth seasons change and almost every three months, we have different seasons: Two Solstice seasons (Summer and Winter) and two Equinox seasons (Spring/Vernal and Fall/Autumn).
Class J - # 1 - 2012 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.
Critical Thinking Question
As the Earth moves around the Sun, causes different phenomena on Earth. One phenomena that has an effect on peoples lives, are the seasons. It takes 365 days or 1 year for earth to go around the sun and during this time, in different times of the year, seasons change. Also, when earth spins on its axis, causes days and nights.
The moon's movement around the earth causes Tides and causes the water level to be sometimes high and low and sometime normal. Rotation and Gravity cause the water on earth to move.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
One thing that I enjoyed most about this project was working in groups and by demonstrating everything, helped me to learn more about my topic, and also by watching other videos made by other groups, helped me learn more about other topics as well.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
One thing that I think was the most challenging for this project was making the video. We tried to make this video as good as we could but changing the pictures and trying to do everything on time was very challenging.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Some skills that I learned during this project was being collaborative, more patient and time managing.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Something that I could have done to improve my work is doing more creative pictures and more creative video, more detailed video and I would try to finish the video earlier.