Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shake our World

Lithosphere Layer

Activities: Mini-Posters, BrainPop Video and Model
Topics: Earth's Interior, Earthquakes, Faults, Continental Drift and Volcanoes

Faults Summary

Faults are the movements of Earth's tectonic plates. There are three types of faults. These three types are: Normal, Reverse or Thrust and Strike or Slip. 
Normal faults are faults that happen when rock moves down. Reverse or Thrust faults are faults that happen when rock moves upward. The last type of faults is Strike or Slip faults which happen when rock slides.


Asthenosphere Layer

Activities: Foldables & Mini-Quiz and Demonstration Lab
Topics: Earth's Interior, Volcanoes and Convection Currents

Volcanoes Summary

Volcano is an opening in earth;s surface which releases melted rock and other gases. The melted rock inside of a volcano is called Magma but when it comes outside is called Lava. There are three types of volcanoes. These three types are: Shield Volcanoes, Cinder Cone Volcanoes and Composite Volcanoes.
Shield Volcanoes are very large and dangerous volcanoes because lava from these volcanoes flows in really long distances. These volcanoes are considered the most dangerous ones.
Cinder Cone Volcanoes are volcanoes that are made up of rock and dust. The last time of volcanoes are Composite Volcanoes. These types are volcanoes that are made up of double layers of ash.


Mantel Layer

Activities: Narrative Video
Topics: Earthquakes

Continental Drift Summary

Continental Drift was an idea of a German scientist named Alfred Wegener. He thought that once, all continent were together in one single continent called Pangea. But over millions of years, these continents drifted apart until they arrived where they are now. Some evidence that prove this theory of Alfred Wegener are: Puzzles, Fossils, Rock Record and Mountain Ranges.

Critical Thinking Question

Do You Agree With The Theory Of Plate Tectonics? Why or Why Not?

I agree with this theory because scientist have made it possible to prove the fact that the earth's plates move some centimeter each year. This is proved by the sea floor spreading but also by the recent earthquakes and tsunamis that are happening.


1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
Something that I really enjoyed during this project was finishing some activities because this project required some activities that we are not able to do in other classes and that made it very interesting and unique.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
Because this project required a lot of activities and it was long, it was a little confusing but also it was hard to be finished on time because of the internship and assignments from other classes. That was a little challenging but otherwise, everything was very good and interesting.
3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I didn't learn any new skill but even though this project didn't teach me new skills, it taught me more than that. Because of this project, I learned more about the things that I never knew or even heard before and It taught me more about the world that surrounds me.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I could have done more practice so I would not stuck in some of the questions that Ms. Kara was asking me. Prepare for everything on time. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Solstice and Equinox

Axis--Bosht--Imaginary line that goes through the middle of the earth.

Tilt--Anim--When earth moves into a sloping position in 23.5 degrees.


Polaris--Ylli Polar--North star where earth's axis is always pointed to.

Equator--Ekuator--An horizontal line that divides Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

Hemisphere--Hemisfer--The half of the earth.

Revolution--Revolucion--The movement of the earth around the sun. This takes 365 days or 1 year.

Summer Solstice--Solstik Veror-- The longest day of the year. (June 21/22).

Autumnal Equinox--Ekuinoksi Vjeshtor--Season when days and nights are equal. (September 22/23).

Winter Solstice--Solstik Dimror--The shortest day of the year. (December 21/22).

Spring Equinox--Ekuinoksi Pranveror-- Season when days and nights are equal. (March 21/22).

Direct Sunlight--Rreze Diellore Direkte--Sun hits the earth in an straight line.

Indirect Sunlight--Rreze Diellore Indirekte--Sun hits the earth in an angle.

Solstice--Solstik--When Sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky.

Equinox--Ekuinoks--Equal days and equal nights. (12h Days/12h Nights).


Axis is and imaginary line that goes through the middle of the earth. Earth's axis is tilted in 23.5 degrees pointing to the north star called Polaris.
Earth is divided into two Hemispheres by an horizontal line known as Equator. Hemisphere is the half of the earth. One half is called Northern Hemisphere and the other half is called Southern Hemisphere.
Solstice is when sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky. This usually happens two times in a year. One in December 21/22, the first day of Winter, and another one in June 21/22, the first day of Summer. These days are known as Solstices.
During Summer Solstice, the sun hits the earth in a straight line. This is Direct Sunlight. But, during Winter Solstice, the sun hits the earth in an angle. This is Indirect Sunlight.
Equinox means equal days and equal nights. Equinox occurs twice a year. Once in March 21/22, Spring or Vernal Equinox, and another one in September 22/23, Fall or Autumnal Equinox.
These Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter) are cause by the earth's Revolution.
Revolution is the time it takes Earth to go around the Sun. This takes 365 days or 1 year. So, during these time, earth seasons change and almost every three months, we have different seasons: Two Solstice seasons (Summer and Winter) and two Equinox seasons (Spring/Vernal and Fall/Autumn).

Class J - # 1 - 2012 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.

Critical Thinking Question

As the Earth moves around the Sun, causes different phenomena on Earth. One phenomena that has an effect on peoples lives, are the seasons. It takes 365 days or 1 year for earth to go around the sun and during this time, in different times of the year, seasons change. Also, when earth spins on its axis, causes days and nights.
The moon's movement around the earth causes Tides and causes the water level to be sometimes high and low and sometime normal. Rotation and Gravity cause the water on earth to move.


1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
One thing that I enjoyed most about this project was working in groups and by demonstrating everything, helped me to learn more about my topic, and also by watching other videos made by other groups, helped me learn more about other topics as well.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
One thing that I think was the most challenging for this project was making the video. We tried to make this video as good as we could but changing the pictures and trying to do everything on time was very challenging.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Some skills that I learned during this project was being collaborative, more patient and time managing.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Something that I could have done to improve my work is doing more creative pictures and more creative video, more detailed video and I would try to finish the video earlier.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Geologic Time-Devonian Time

Devonian Period
Devonian Period existed 408-360 million years ago and it was a period where a lot of fishes, land plants and lot of other organisms appeared and became diversed. 
For example: first tetrapods, first amphibians, first sharks, coral reefs, new insects and much more.
During this period, two supercontinents were formed "Gondwana and Euramerica."

1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
From this project, I enjoyed that we had to find informations about our period and learn more about what happened during that time.

2.What was the most challenging about this project? Why?
Doing the reference paper was the most challenging part of this project because finding pictures and doing the reference paper was really confusing.

3.What you change about this project and why?
I would not change anything about this project because even though it was a hard, it was really fun.

4. What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
I learned about when did this period started, how was life on earth during this time period and what organism lived, and about the geologic events.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Stars-Blog Entry

1.What is a star?

Stars are huge balls with gas and dust. Stars are made of a huge cloud called Stellar Nebula. This huge cloud starts getting smaller because of the gravity and while it gets smaller, it gets hotter too and nuclear reaction stars in the middle. After all this, a star is born. If we look up in the sky, they look really small, but in fact, they are much bigger, hotter and brighterStars have different names, color, size, type, temperature, magnitude(luminosity) and spectral class. Stars can be blue, yellow, orange, red and white. Blue stars are consider as hot stars and red stars are consider as cold stars.

2. Types of Stars
Stars have different types and those types are: super giant, giant, main sequence and white dwarfs.
Super giant stars which are one type of stars, are known as the largest stars and some of them are bigger than our solar system. When these type of stars die, they turn into supernovas and become Black Holes. Some of these stars are: Betelgeuse, Rigel and Deneb.
Giant stars are one other type of stars. They are huge stars and they have different color, size temperature and magnitude. They have spectral class too which represents the temperature of the star and the letter changes according to the star temperature. Some of these stars are: Polaris(North Star) and Aldebaran. 
Main sequence stars are type of young stars with different color, size, temperature and magnitude. These stars lay on a diagonal from hot and bright stars to cold and dim stars. One important star that is included in this type of stars is Sun.White dwarf are type of stars in which the stars of this type are consider as small, hot stars. The stars of these type, as all the other stars have different color, size, temperature and magnitude. They have almost the same size as Earth but they are heavier. When these stars lose their heat and become cold, they will become Black Dwarfs and some of these stars are: Sirius, 40 Eridani B and Procyon B.

3. H-R Diagram
H-R Diagram is also known as "The Hertzsprung- Russell Diagram"and is a diagram used by astronomers to classify stars according to their luminosity, spectral class, color, temperature and evolutionary stage. This diagram shows types of stars which are: super giant, giant, main sequence and white dwarfs.

4. Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fusion is a reaction inside the star that changes two Hydrogen (H) gas molecule into Helium (He) molecule. Nuclear Reaction helps a star to born because the huge cloud or Stellar Nebula gets smaller and while it gets smaller, it gets hotter too and inside of it Nuclear Reaction happens. Nuclear Reaction is a Reaction that creates the main source which is Energy.

5.The Life Cycle of a Star
Sun-like stars, huge stars and giant stars are three different groups of stars that have different life cycle but all of them are created from a huge cloud with gas and dust called Stellar Nebula.
Sun-like stars first starts with Stellar Nebula and then it becomes Red Giant. After it become red giant, become a cloud with gas and dust called Planetary Nebula. After this, it becomes White Dwarf and than turns into a cold, dark object called Black Dwarf.
Huge Stars starts with Stellar Nebula too and it becomes bigger to a Red Super Giant, but than it explodes to a Supernova and starts to collapse into a Neutron Star.
Giant Stars starts from Stellar Nebula, it gets bigger into a Red Super Giant, explodes into a Supernova but at the end, become an invisible object called Black Hole.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Planet Saturn


Planet Order: 6th from the Sun (1-8 away from the Sun)
Distance From The Sun (km): 1.4 million km.
Mass: 5.69x10^26 kg.
Diameter: 120.536 km.
Rotation: 10 hours and 14 minutes.
Revolution: 34.821 km per hour.
Number of Moons: 60.

Planet Description (What is it like on this planet?):
Saturn is a planet that is similar to Jupiter but is a little bit smaller, but is the second largest planet in our Solar System after Jupiter. It is a gas giant planet. Saturn is the least dense planet in our Solar System and is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium.

2 Interesting Facts:
1.Saturn has seven rings orbiting around it and three main rings are called the A,B,C rings named by the astronomers who discovered them.
2.Sometime is easy to see the rings of Saturn if we use telescope, but sometimes they disappeared and this happened in 2008-2009 and it will happen again in 2024-2025.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

1.What effect does water temperature have on the creation a hurricane?

Hurricane is a topical cyclone that happens in the summer when the water is warm. So in summer, there are higher chances of a hurricane to happen than in winter.
2.Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?
Because when there is a high tide, means that the water level is high and that can cause flooding, saturation and damages.
3.If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
In these saturated areas, the ground is too wet, and when the ground is too wet it can not handle it and that can cause damages.
4.Why would there be more flooding if the ground was fully saturated?
Because flooding is when water accumulate and covers every space, so if the ground would be saturated or too wet, it would cover every space and cause flooding.


1.What is something that you liked about this project?
I liked making my own blog.
2.What was difficult for you on this project?
Answering some questions was a little difficult.
3.What would you change about your work on this project?
I would collect more information to be more specific on my answers.
4.How did this project help you learn bout Hurricane Irene?
I didn't know a lot about Hurricanes until we started this project. This project helped me to understand more about this topic and learn more about it's causes and effects.


